Who doesn’t love movies? Especially lesbian movies? We are so fortunate we live in a day and age where there are more lesbian films and lesbian shows than ever.
In this article with the best lesbian movies, we will talk about classic lesbian movies, lesbian romance movies, lesbian period dramas (I think we have enough of those, right?), and the best new lesbian movies in 2023 to watch.
Plus, we will talk about lesbian tropes: lesbian clichés we should all be aware of.
A lot has changed since the first lesbian film Mädchen in Uniform, was released in 1931. The genre came alive in the late 20th century; we have some oldies but goldies (or shall we say they deserve a gold star?).

And lucky us, there are more lesbian movies made every year! And an increasing number of (queer) female directors are creating magic: we live in exciting times.
What we’re excited about especially? Other genres! We want diverse storylines; we need movies where ‘being a lesbian’ is not the only story of the film.
Sure, the lesbian romance movies and period dramas are cute (spoiler alert: the ‘new’ lesbian movie Portrait of a Lady on Fire is HOT), but we need more thrillers and horrors (and no, we didn’t like The Perfection!), more action and sci-fi.
Because movies can rewrite history, and we deserve to have it all.
Enjoy watching these lesbian movies!
Lesbian Tropes
A couple of years back, I was a film major student, and after my studies, I briefly worked as a film critic, so let me give you a little bit of background on the flaws of lesbian cinema so far!
There are a few clichés in wlw movies that we should all be aware of while watching a lesbian movie!
- Bury your gays: when queer female characters are kiIIed off.
- Gal-pals: when gals are just being great pals.
- Pടycho lesbian: particularly annoying when it’s their lesbianism that is driving them mad.
- Girl-on-Girl for male gaze: when lesbian intimacy is only to please the male viewer.
- Sudden-onset gayness: no buildup; out of the blue, a straight girl is a lesbian because she meets a lesbian.
- Coming out is the story, and that’s it. We’re over that.
In addition to these tropes, it’s always a good idea to see if the movie passes the Bechdel test: does it have at least two named women? Who talks to each other? About something different than a man/men?
Glad we settled that; now let’s dive into the best lesbian movies!
We’ll start with some classic lesbian movies, then the best lesbian romance movies, lesbian period dramas, and last but not least: the best new lesbian movies!
You can find these lesbian movies on Amazon Prime Video and some on Netflix.
Classic Lesbian Movies
Let’s start with a few classic lesbian movies. Of course, old lesbian movies aren’t perfect, but they paved the way for lesbian movies nowadays!
- Desert Hearts (1985)
Desert Hearts is one of the most ground-breaking lesbian movies. Set in the 50s, this lesbian romance movie is still relatable for many queer girls.
It’s a love story about a woman that is out, and one that isn’t.
Will they get their happily ever after?
Extra special: Desert Hearts is directed by a queer woman, in a time when there weren’t many female directors!
- High Art (1998)
This movie takes place in an artsy Manhattan in NYC. Young Syd is treated as an intern at her job for a magazine.
She tries to impress her colleagues by getting her neighbor (a famous photographer that fell off the map years ago) Lucy to submit her work for the magazine.

Then, the lines begin to blur between their professional relationship, which then becomes intimate.
It’s an artsy movie about seduction, and it’s great!
High Art is directed by lesbian Lisa Cholodenko.
- Heavenly Creatures (1994)
This movie comes very close to the psycho lesbian trope, but it’s one of the classics nonetheless.
Yet again, set in the 50s, two best friends Pauline and Juliet share a deep love of fantasy.

Pauline is diagnosed as gay (categorized as a mental illness), and the relationship between the girls is ambiguous. But the two are emotional connection is real.
The movie is based on the true story of the Parker–Hulme case in New Zealand. Pauline’s diary was one of the sources of the movie.
Amazing news: the Oscars will have new diversity and LGBTQ+ inclusion rules in the near future (going into full effect in 2024)! If movies don’t meet at least 2 of 4 diversity requirements, both on- and off-screen, they may not win the Oscar for ‘Best Picture’. Huge win for the community!
- All Over Me (1997)
15-year-old Claude and Ellen are best friends until one summer, they aren’t. We all know how hard it is to be a teenager, and this movie addresses it all.
Claude loves Ellen in a more-than-friends kind of way, but… it’s difficult.

Then, Claude meets cool girl Lucy (Alice from the lesbian shows The L Word and The L Word Generation Q!), who turns her world upside down.
How this love story ends, you have to see for yourself!
A little side note: it’s refreshing that the ‘gayness’ of the movie just happens – it’s not talked about it as much.
Directed by late female director Alex Sichel, written by her sister Sylvia!
- Bound (1996)
If you’re looking for an exciting thriller, this is it.
There are activities that aren’t legal, there are struggles, and there’s intimacy, all included in the lesbian movie Bound.

Not just some lesbian kissing, not some suggestive intimacy, but within 20 minutes of the movie, there’s a very explicit scene.
The movie is also feminist, Violet is a badass woman; she’s a woman of the street and proud of it. Yeah, this one’s a goldie!
Created by the Wachowskis (two sisters who are both trans women), known for The Matrix trilogy.
- Go Fish (1994)
Groundbreaking and low budget (hence filmed in black & white), Go Fish is something special.
Created by lesbian couple Guinevere Turner and Rose Troche, Go Fish is an all-female picture about Gen X lesbian life around Chicago’s Wicker Park.

The movie isn’t globally received very well. Actually, a lot of people say it’s a bad movie.
So if you’re not into experimental films, this is not one for you! But if you are, definitely check it out!
- Mulholland Drive (2001)
Initially, I only wanted to include movies from the 20th century in this classic lesbian movies list, but since a large portion of this movie was made in 1999, this movie still counts, in my opinion!
A woman hides out in a residence after surviving a car accident on Mulholland Drive (but has amnesia). The residence is Betty’s aunt’s LA home.

Betty helps Rita (a name chosen from a movie poster) discover who she is, and their connection grows. And then they sleep together!
The movie’s tagline is “a love story in the city of dreams”, and that love story is between two women!
Yet, the lesbian narrative is not the focus of the movie – because it’s a David Lynch movie, it’s all pretty lucid!
- The Watermelon Woman (1996)
We need more black lesbian movies and more diverse representation in lesbian films! Yes, we want more lesbians in movies, but we also want more diversity.
In this mock documentary, black lesbian Cheryl tries to put her first film together.

So it’s a movie in a movie, which is already interesting, but what’s more interesting: Cheryl is interested in black women in film.
Cheryl works in a video store and finds out black women weren’t always credited, and that’s how she starts her film about ‘The Watermelon Woman’ (how the fictional black actress Fae Richards in the 30s was credited).
Cheryl learns about Fae’s white lesbian lovers, and at the same time, Cheryl gets a white lesbian lover.
This movie is really complex if you think about it too much, but it’s such an important movie that illustrates how white lesbian history and black lesbian history are very separate.
- But I’m a Cheerleader (1999)
Where to start with this one? For the most part when we were watching this movie, we thought: wait, what is this?
Teenager Megan (played by Natasha Lyonne, who we all know as Nicky from the lesbian Netflix series Orange Is the New Black) is sent to conversion therapy True Directions because her family and friends think she’s a lesbian.

It’s a campy* movie, but it is on purpose, and it’s quite smart, actually!
If you’re looking for a more serious movie about conversion therapy, we recommend The Miseducation of Cameron Post.
But I’m a Cheerleader is directed by queer female director Jamie Babbit. And RuPaul makes an appearance as an “ex-gay”.
*Campy (adjective)
in the style of camp: absurdly exaggerated, artificial, or affected in a usually humorous way
Lesbian Romance Movies
It’s time to continue with lesbian romance movies and lesbian love movies!
And yes, quite a few of these lesbian romance movies have happy endings, but of course, we would love to see more movies of lesbians with a happy ending.
You can find these lesbian movies on Amazon Prime Video and some on Netflix.
- Saving Face (2004)
Finally, an Asian lesbian love story! There are many Asian lesbian movies, and we are super happy with this one.
Also directed by a Chinese-American lesbian (Alice Wu), this movie is about Wil, who’s juggling life as a surgeon and being part of a close-knit Chinese family that doesn’t acknowledge her being a lesbian.
But then Wil falls in love with Vivian – a ballet dancer – a girl she once kissed when she was little.
The story actually focuses more on Wil’s relationship with her mother, but I can’t tell you too much, or I will spoil things!
Make sure to read about Alice Wu’s Half of It later in this lesbian movies article too!
- Pariah (2011)
A beautiful movie about a young Afro-American woman called Alike.
It’s a coming-of-age story about a girl figuring out her gender expression and how to accept her orientation.

She meets a girl and falls in love, gets hurt, and finally builds up the courage to choose freedom.
There aren’t nearly enough lesbian movies in black cinema yet, which is why this movie and Rafiki are so incredibly important!
Pariah is directed by Dee Rees, a black lesbian, who admitted the movie was semi-autobiographical.
- Below Her Mouth (2016)
Looking for a hot lesbian movie and many steamy lesbian scenes? This is the movie to watch!
There isn’t much plot or talking in Below Her Mouth, but there’s lots of other hot stuff going on. Girl-on-girl action, in the bathtub, on the stairs, in an alley, in bed, everywhere!

I must say, the first time I watched this lesbian movie I didn’t like it that much. Probably because I was a baby gay, and I thought the movie was a bit intense.
The second time I watched it, many years later, I got to enjoy it much more. Friends told me that, after watching this movie, they for sure knew they were lesbian.
Below Her Mouth is about Dallas, a roofer, who meets Jasmine, a fashion editor. The two have a passionate connection that turns into a steamy love affair that changes their lives forever.
The movie is created by an all-female production crew, which is amazing (and important)!
- Wild Nights with Emily (2018)
This movie rewrites history!
Based on the private letters of poet Emily Dickinson, this movie tells the elaborate love story of Emily and her sister-in-law, Susan.

Rediscovering history like this (because of course, there were lesbians in the 19th century too) is amazing, especially when it’s packaged this well.
It’s funny how the movie doesn’t feel like other forbidden love stories; it is funny, passionate, ambitious, and charming!
Extra points for this movie for having a lesbian director (Madeleine Olnek).
Tip: make sure to also watch the lesbian series Dickinson!
This is my girlfriend her favorite lesbian movie, and was already in her DVD collection before she knew she was gay (I know, how could she not know?).
The story in short: Mia is engaged to Tim, but falls in love with Frida, and of course, it’s all complicated.
I was afraid it would be a campy movie, but it does a really great job! There are a few flaws, but it gets a lot right.

The characters have depth and aren’t caricatures. The fiancé Tim isn’t a bad guy, and that Mia’s bi is totally valid.
It might help that a woman directed the movie, and probably that it’s European (Kiss Me is a Swedish movie).
Do you like this kind of romantic lesbian movie and story? Check out Imagine Me & You later in this list!
- Carol (2015)
Carol is a lesbian love story made by gay filmmaker Todd Haynes.
It was named the best LGBT film of all time in 2016, and clearly, this is a good one. It’s a lesbian period drama, set in 1952.

It’s a love story: girl (Therese) meets girl (Carol), and they bond and fall in love.
But of course, it’s complicated. The LGBTQ+ community criticized the movie for being made for the ‘male gaze’ still – but we have to say: we have to take this win!
The movie is based on Patricia Highsmith’s 1952 semi-autobiographical romantic novel “The Price of Salt”
- Rafiki (2018)
Like we said before, there are not enough movies about black lesbians.
So imagine the enthusiasm when Rafiki came: a movie about two Kenyan girls who fall in love, directed by a female Kenyan director!
The film has, sadly, been banned in Kenya for its gay theme. They see the film as “promotion of lesbianism”.

The story is about Kena and Ziki, two girls and daughters of two rival politicians who are running for the local elections. They fall in love, but it’s a forbidden one.
It’s not a very original storyline, but this is such a special movie – an African lesbian love story! You have to see this movie about lesbians in Africa.
Want to see more lesbian movies from the African continent? Watch The World Unseen and While You Weren’t Looking!
- Freeheld (2015)
Lesbian age gap isn’t a common movie topic, but we’re so glad Freeheld made a movie about it!
Laurel, a detective from New Jersey, has cancer and needs to fight for her 19-year younger domestic partner Stacie to receive her pension rights.

It’s a movie about the inequality LGBT people face.
The movie was, unfortunately, less radical than the screenwriter intended – degayed to please a mainstream audience – but it’s absolutely a movie worth watching!
Freeheld is based on the true story of Laurel Hester. And Elliot Page (the actor who plays Stacie) came out as a lesbian shortly before the movie came out, which made the movie more meaningful to him.
In 2020, Elliot came out as transgender. You might have also seen Elliot in the LGBT Netflix shows The Umbrella Academy and Tales of the City.
- Princess Cyd (2017)
Cyd moves in with her aunt in Chicago for the summer when she runs into a cute barista with a badass short haircut.
Cyd then realizes she’s not straight, but before you write this movie off: it’s not what the plot makes it seem!

More than Cyd’s orientation, Cyd’s relationship with her aunt – Miranda – is the focus of the movie. Miranda is a middle-aged writer who is happily single and childless; she’s a real gem.
There’s no coming-out drama, there are no specific labels, and the movie is just really cute, so go watch it!
- Loving Annabelle (2006)
A Catholic boarding school teacher (Simone) falls in love with one of her students (Annabelle)…
Yes, this is a steamy movie about lesbians, and you want to see it!

Lesbian director Katherine Brooks admitted the teacher/student story from the first lesbian movie, Mädchen in Uniform, was her inspiration.
- My Days of Mercy (2017)
It’s not a very light movie, but it’s also not as heavy as you might expect. The movie isn’t your average lesbian romance; it’s actually only a part of it.
Lucy’s (Elliot Page) father is waiting for his execution. Together with her sister and little brother, Lucy became an activist to fight the law.

At one of the protests, she meets a girl, and so their lesbian love story begins.
It’s not necessarily complicated in the usual ways, so it’s interesting to watch.
The intimate scenes are great, and lesbian director Tali Shalom Ezer’s storytelling is very well done.
- The Handmaiden / 아가씨 (2016)
South-Korean filmmaker Park Chan-wook decided to adapt an English novel, Fingersmith, but put it in an Asian setting in the 1930s.
It’s a movie about intimacy and deceit.
Rich Lady Hideko, as a handmaiden, hires pickpocket Sook-Hee, but Sook-Hee has an ulterior motive.

It’s all very excessive, and the movie has received critiques for being filmed for the male gaze (the director is a man, which never helps), but it does fit the movie.
The intimate lesbian scenes are excessive and explicit, but it’s also a reflection of the original book: both are about women learning their own desires through the male gaze.
And this movie is truly a spectacle!
There are three chapters, three perspectives, and we certainly did not see the plot twist coming. Be prepared for this film about lesbians!
- Imagine Me & You (2005)
Before there was Kiss Me, we had Imagine Me & You.
The lesbian movie starts with Rachel’s wedding day, which is also the day she meets Luce – it’s a love-at-first-sight situation.

The two immediately share a bond, and well, you guess it: it complicates Rachel’s marriage.
It’s really a cheesy romantic comedy with a lesbian love story as the focus, and we love it! One of the sweetest lesbian comedies out there!
- Booksmart (2019)
This teen comedy is everything teenage me wished for!
They get the representation right, it is incredibly funny, inclusive, humorous, self-aware, and so cute.
Best friends Molly and Amy realize they missed out on a lot of high school stuff because they were so serious about getting A’s.

All the characters feel three-dimensional; no one is simply a teen caricature.
Amy’s a lesbian, but that doesn’t make her character simply ‘the gay one’. Molly is straight, and their friendship isn’t about their different orientations – the movie actually does a great job of making them equally important.
The lesbianism is a non-issue, and it isn’t fetishized – it’s so refreshing! We love lesbian stories like this.
Booksmart is written by four women and directed by Olivia Wilde.
- I Can’t Think Straight (2008)
‘I want to be with someone who 10 years from now makes my hearts jump when I hear her keys in the door’. That must be one of the most romantic lines and lesbian quotes ever, right? And you can hear it in the hot and romantic lesbian movie I Can’t Think Straight.
The movie is based on a lesbian book with the same name and is about the of Jordanian descent, London-based, Tala.

She is preparing for her extravagant wedding with her boyfriend. But everything changes after meeting her best friend’s girlfriend, the British Indian Leyla.
Autostraddle said in the past that the movie ‘stands out for its cultural specificity, truly magnificent leads, and endless charm’. And we agree!
Both lead actresses are stunning, and they have great chemistry. I Can’t Think Straight can’t be missed on this list of romantic lesbian movies.
- Kissing Jessica Stein (2001)
Jessica tries to find love in New York City, but has no luck finding it. After many horrible blind dates looking for Mr. Right, she answers an ad from a newspaper in the ‘Women Seeking Women’ section.
The ad includes her absolute favorite quote about relationships, and she’s interested from the start.

Fast-forward, and without too many spoilers, the two women start dating. It all starts pretty awkward but ends up being super cute. Especially when Jessica is accepted by her family.
And it’s not only a cute lesbian rom-com (with a bi lead), it’s pretty funny too. And while we had rather seen a different ending, it’s not horrible either.
Kissing Jessica Stein is a charming addition to this list of the best lesbian movies!
- The Kids Are All Right (2010)
There aren’t many movies (yet) about lesbian moms.
So this movie about a middle-aged married lesbian couple that is confronted with the donor of their children, directed by lesbian director Lisa Cholodenko (yeah, the one from High Art!), sounded really great.
But two mainstream stars play lesbians, their relationship feels very hetero-normative, and the worst part: one of the lesbians sleeps with the donor!

Of course, this enforces the idea of lesbians need a man for intimacy.
On the other hand, I can find myself in the fluidity and think this is a way of including queer women in movies who aren’t identifying as lesbian.
And again: lesbian moms, that’s rare.
- Show Me Love (1998)
This Swedish movie is similar to All Over Me. It’s about two girls (but they’re not friends) who develop feelings for each other.
But this is a European movie and doesn’t take place in Hell’s Kitchen but in the small town of Åmål.

The movie doesn’t shy away from showing how awful teenagers can be but also showcases a cute lesbian teenage romance.
We have to say; we don’t agree with the English title – the movie isn’t as sweet as that!
- The Four-Faced Liar (2010)
The plot is familiar: the friendship of a group of friends (two couples and a lesbian friend) gets complicated when Molly falls in love with lesbian Bridget.
Molly is bored in her own relationship, and that’s where the troubles start.

The independent movie (adapted from a play) is marketed as a comedy about a drama, and that feels accurate.
The characters feel real, annoyingly real, and the movie is refreshing. It’s really good quality – something that is still rare in lesbian cinema!
TW: there’s a scene about attempted violation in minutes 36 & 37 of the movie.
- Her Smell (2018)
This documentary-like movie tells the story of (fictional) female rock star Becky Something (of the band Something She), who is self-destructive and risks losing everything. She’s a monster.

She’s under the influence and ruins everything. Her all-female band is then replaced by the Akergirls (one of whom is the queer celebrity Cara Delevingne, a queer woman playing a queer woman, yes!).
Also: androgynous Agyness Deyn plays Becky’s guitarist!
It’s not an easy film to watch, as it’s very raw, but it’s definitely a good one about lesbian artists.
- Disobedience (2017)
Disobedience tells the story of forbidden love, a story about lesbian orthodox Jews in London in the 1920s.
Ronit flies home for her father’s funeral, where she sees Esti again, with whom she shared a romance in the past.

The two picked up where they left off, and it’s all very hot, yet tragic.
The ending isn’t a very happy one, unfortunately, but it could be worse!
This movie is such a big deal. It is the most discussed lesbian steamy movie, for sure. There was a huge problem with this movie: the male director.
Although some male directors can pull it off, lesbian intimacy in movies directed by men is not the kind of intimacy lesbians are looking for.

It’s the kind of scenes men are looking for.
And in Blue is the Warmest Colour the director got representation mixed up with exploitation.
The plot was really promising: a young woman (Adèle) discovers her orientation and falls in love with Emma (part 1), who later learns how to navigate through their relationship (part 2). And they’re French!
But there is a lot, a lot of explicit intimacy.
I remember watching this movie around the time I was questioning my orientation, and I must admit: I was scared about lesbian intimacy after watching this movie.
My proposal? Let’s make a reboot with a lesbian director and lesbian actresses; I would definitely want to see that! And I guess it would be one of the best movies about lesbians!
- Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga (2019)
A Bollywood movie! I’m so happy that I can add a lesbian Bollywood movie to this best lesbian movies list. As representation and visibility are so important, all around the world.
Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga, translated as ‘how I felt when I saw that girl’, is a coming-of-age romantic comedy-drama from India.

It’s about a young woman named Sweety Chaudhary, who’s a lesbian (in the closet). She is under pressure from her family, as they are seeking to marry her to a husband.
They do not know Sweety is actually in love with a woman. Sweety tries to come out to her traditional and controversial family, but that isn’t so easy!
I love how sweet this lesbian movie is, and it has a happy ending! It starts a bit slow and vague, but it’s worth it to keep watching. And it’s one of the lesbian movies on Netflix to watch.
Lesbian Period Dramas
Do we need more lesbian period dramas? I think we’re good for now! There are so many of them, and the lack of mainstream lesbian movies is kind of a problem.
It’s not that I don’t like lesbian period dramas; I just crave more happy modern lesbian movies.
But some lesbian period dramas are definitely worth the watch. The lesbian movie Summerland is even my favorite lesbian movie ever!
This lesbian movie is about the female painter Marianne in the 18th century, who is hired to paint Héloïse, who is to be married off to an Italian nobleman against her will.
And this is one of the best lesbian films and lesbian stories we’ve seen!
And not in the patriarchal, creepy male gaze kind of way.

Queer female director Céline Sciamma makes it about the female gaze – literally, the two women look at each other a lot – and it’s not only ‘oh I feel pretty when you look at me like that’.
It’s about looking and really seeing each other. There’s no feeling of audience/creepy watchers, it’s purely about desire and intimacy between two women.
And unlike any other French movie – there is not a lot of explicit intimacy. And yet, it’s so super hot!
- Summerland (2020)
This is my new favorite lesbian movie of all time. I know that is a big thing to say, but I simply love it a lot!
It’s hard for me to tell you about this movie without spoiling the plot.
Let me just say that the story is told by Alice, who is looking back on her interracial lesbian love story with Vera (played by Gugu Mbatha-Raw, you might know her from the lesbian episode of Black Mirror?).
The movie is told in 3 timelines, one that she’s old and writing a book, one that she’s a young woman and lives by the sea, and one period in which she is a student and is together with Vera.
The period that she lives by the sea by herself is the main timeline.
Alice hates kids, but then she gets a kid assigned from London to take care of. This kid will change her life, though.
Summerland is so important, as it tells an interracial lesbian love story like it hasn’t been shown before.
We highly recommend this lesbian movie! It’s one of the top lesbian movies.
- Ammonite (2020)
Kate Winslet is starring in this one, and we simply love her!

Ammonite tells the lesbian love story of Charlotte Murchison and fossil hunter Mary Anning, in 1840s England. Interestingly, very little is known of Anning or her life.
It is yet another forbidden love story, and it gives us major Portrait of a Lady on Fire vibes. And critics have written Ammonite pales in comparison.
- The Favourite (2018)
This is not our favorite movie on this list of lesbian movies, but we do know many people that absolutely love it.
The humor in the movie is dark, and that’s not for everyone!
The Favourite is a period black comedy with amazing actresses. Olivia Colman, Rachel Weisz, and Emma Stone play the main characters, and we love all three of them.
The movie tells the true story of the British Queen Anne and the two ladies fighting for her attention.
Olivia Colman won the Golden Globe and Oscar for Best Actress for her role!
It’s a funny (if it’s your kind of humor) and a tragic movie at the same time.
New Lesbian Movies
What are the best new lesbian movies? 2020, 2021, and 2022 weren’t great years for many things, but it was for lesbian movies, lesbian shows, and lesbian short films.
And we will tell you all about the must-see new lesbian movies. And keep on reading for the lesbian movies in 2023!
You can find most of these lesbian movies on Amazon Prime Video and some on Netflix.
- Anne+ (2021)
If you’ve read our article about the best lesbian shows, you know about the Dutch lesbian series Anne+! We, Dutchies, are very proud of Anne+.
Anne+ started as a lesbian web series, then season two was screened on Dutch television and came on Netflix, and now there’s a movie too!! How amazing!

The series is about Anne, a lesbian girl, in her twenties, living in Amsterdam. Every episode focuses on different relationships between Anne and her girlfriends.
In the lesbian movie, we see Anne, her girlfriend in Montreal, the non-binary Lou, and Anne’s friends. Anne is ready to finish her book and is preparing to move to Montreal, to be with her girlfriend. But when she meets Lou, everything changes!
You can watch this lesbian film on Netflix, and we highly recommend it.
- Crush (2022)
Previously known as Love in Color (when the movie was announced), Crush is a cute lesbian film starring Rowan Blanchard, Isabella Ferreira, and Auli’i Cravalho (Disney’s Moana, who’s bi in real life!).

When artist Paige joins her high-school track team to get closer to her lifelong crush (she isn’t into sports), she finds herself falling for another teammate and discovers what real love feels like.
We don’t want to spoil too much, but we love everything about Crush! And yay for making a movie about queer joy beyond a coming-out story.
You can watch Crush on Hulu and Disney+.
- The Half of It (2020)
Remember the movie Saving Face and how that was a BIG win for the Asian lesbian community?
The Half of It is directed by the same Alice Wu, who is a Chinese-American lesbian.
It took her nearly two decades to make a second film, and we are glad she took her time because it is great.

In this teen romantic comedy, young Chinese-American Ellie earns a little money by writing other schoolkids’ essays. Then, she gets a surprising writing request from Paul; he wants her to help write a love letter to Aster.
An interesting friendship – and a unique love triangle – follows.
In the end, it’s not a story about love, it is a story about being seen. And that is what we need more of!
You can watch The Half of It on Netflix!
- A Secret Love (2020)
This lesbian documentary is a true peek into a real lesbian love story, the love between Terry Donahue and Pat Henschel.
They pretended to be ‘just friends’ for most of their lives, but came out to their family just a couple of years ago. The lesbian couple has been together for nearly 65 years!

The documentary is made by Terry’s great-nephew, and the story also reveals problematic family dynamics that are surely familiar to everyone.
An unpopular opinion of mine is that I think the movie puts a little too much attention on the problems, and too little on the beauty and the resilience of the lesbian love story. Because it is such a great story to tell.
You can watch A Secret Love on Netflix!
- Happiest Season (2020)
A lesbian Holiday movie from the United States with Kristen Stewart? YES PLEASE!
This movie is directed by lesbian director Clea DuVall (yeah, the girl from But I’m A Cheerleader, and as Clea has been making the lesbian community laugh for forever you can find her on our list of lesbian comedians).
Happiest Season is about a girl, Abby, who is planning to propose to her girlfriend, Harper, at Harper’s family’s annual holiday party. But Harper hasn’t come out to her conservative parents yet…

The movie has received a lot of mixed reviews. Some love it because it’s so relatable; others are angry it’s yet another painful coming out story (also, big TW: someone is outed by a family member!).
We fall into the latter category. We want lesbian JOY for Christmas, not lesbian PAIN. Maybe we can get more happy lesbian Christmas movies in 2023?
Aubrey Plaza and Dan Levy also play in Happiest Season, and they are simply the best!
You can watch Happiest Season on lesbian Hulu.
- The Prom (2020)
Prom is canceled at a high school in a small conservative town in Indiana, when Emma wants to bring her girlfriend as a date.
Luckily, a group of self-absorbed Broadway stars comes to the rescue to arrange a prom for EVERYONE! Yes, we love this feel-good, diverse, and inclusive lesbian movie on Netflix.

Though there’s one thing really wrong with The Prom. James Corden plays the gay lead character. Why did they do that? We do like James Corden, but why couldn’t his role be played by a gay actor? His character Barry Glickman is ‘as gay as a bucket of wigs’, according to his own words.
For a lesbian movie, it’s also surprising to see so very little of the actual lesbian characters, and so much of Meryl Streep (that’s okay) and James Corden (not so great in this case).
Besides that, The Prom is an entertaining lesbian movie that will leave you with a positive feeling.
Note: it’s a musical, so don’t watch if you’re not into singing and dancing!
You can watch the Prom on Netflix.
- I Care a Lot (2021)
I Care a Lot is one of the newer lesbian movies on Netflix, which you simply have to watch! This dark comedy thriller is mind-blowing.
Be prepared for an emotional rollercoaster. We have been waiting for a lesbian movie like this for a while!
The movie is not about being lesbian, but the main character Marla Grayson, played by the fantastic Rosamund Pike, is a lesbian.
Yes, she is a bad lesbian, and we want to warn you for one of the lesbian tropes (without spoiling too much). But everyone in this movie is bad.

What is the movie about? Marlo Grayson is a legal guardian who cares for elderly people who can’t care for themselves anymore. She is in charge of their finances and everything they own.
And well, she doesn’t really care for them. Marla puts them in a living facility and cuts them off from the outside world, to steal everything they have.
When she becomes the guardian of an elderly woman (a ‘cherry’ with no ties, and lots of money), everything goes wrong!
I Care a Lot premiered in September 2020 at the Toronto International Film Festival, but from February 2021, you can watch the movie on Netflix.
Though, it depends on where you are located. In the Netherlands, for example, we can’t watch I Care a Lot on Netflix. But luckily, we can thanks to the VPN Surfshark.
With a VPN, you are able to stream the Netflix content you want from other countries. Use our Surfshark VPN link to get a huge discount!
- Bodies, Bodies, Bodies (2022)
When we went to the cinema to watch Bodies, Bodies, Bodies, we didn’t know anything about it. Our friend recommended it, and we thought, why not!
Little did we know about the queer leading roles! From the start, it’s super queer. And best of all, there aren’t many movies in this genre. Especially not good ones (don’t get me started about The Perfection).

Bodies, Bodies, Bodies is a black comedy horror movie directed by Dutch director Halina Reijn. Us Dutchies are super proud that a female Dutch director made such a trendy queer Hollywood film.
What is it about? A group of rich folks in their twenties decides to organize a hurricane party in a remote villa. After lots of drinking, dancing, and partying, the group decides to play the game “Bodies Bodies Bodies,” which takes a turn when they find a real body.
The movie is so well written, be prepared for a plot twist. You will sit on the edge of your seat throughout the movie!
- Do Revenge (2022)
Another black comedy lesbian film! But this time, one that’s less scary! Do Revenge is a Netflix movie that stars the amazing actresses Camila Mendes and Maya Hawke.

Drea, played by Camila Mendes, wants to get revenge after her boyfriend leaked an intimate tape of her. Eleanor, played by Maya Hawke, wants to get revenge after a girl outed her based on a rumor.
When the two high schoolers meet, they decide to help each other, seeking revenge. But nothing is what it looks like…
We love the chemistry between the two lead actresses and want more! It’s hilarious, queer, ridiculous, and a wild ride. It’s a masterpiece!
New Lesbian Movies 2023
It’s time for the newest lesbian movies: new lesbian movies 2023! What lesbian films are we looking forward to in 2023?
Dakota Johnson and Sonoya Mizuno are starring in Am I OK, directed by lesbian wives Tig Notaro and Stephanie Allynne. The movie follows One and Lucy, who are best friends, and face two big life changes: one comes out as gay, and the other is moving abroad.
The movie premiered at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival, but we still don’t know how to watch it! It is set to stream on HBO Max on a yet-to-be-determined date. Hurry up, HBO!

And get ready for a two and half hours modern masterpiece with Cate Blanchet. People say it’s even her best role yet. The movie is about a lesbian conductor named Lydia Tár, played by Cate Blanchett, who’s the first-ever female conductor of a major German orchestra.
Hopefully, we can add more and more amazing lesbian movies to this list this year and in the upcoming years!
Enjoy these lesbian movies. What are your favorite lesbian films? We would love to know!
Want to chat with us about these films and lesbians in the movies? Find us on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, or comment below!
And if you know more lesbian movies that will be released in 2023, please let us know!
Make sure to share this lesbian movies list with all your friends.
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kim slocombe
Tuesday 1st of August 2023
2 nineties.. Better than Chocolate.. When Night is Falling
Tuesday 20th of June 2023
Tell It To The Bees and Summertime/La Belle Saison should be added!
Sunday 28th of May 2023
Plus, Reaching for the Moon - which is mesmerizing.
Maartje Hensen (she/they)
Wednesday 19th of July 2023
Thanks for the addition!
Sunday 28th of May 2023
So how is Fire not on this list? I think it is one of the great lesbian movies.
Maartje Hensen (she/they)
Wednesday 19th of July 2023
Thank you for the tip!!
Monday 13th of March 2023
Tell it to the bees should definitely be on here!