Hi there!
Welcome to queer travel and lifestyle blog Once Upon a Journey, born on the road over six years ago.
It’s our biggest belief that travel is for everyone, and we’re determined to show how beautiful the world can be.
Our travel guides provide queer travelers with all the inspiration and information to go on the gaycation of their dreams!

Order My Book!
I WROTE A QUEER TRAVEL BOOK! Let me introduce you to The Pride Atlas: 500 Iconic Destinations for Queer Travelers! It is very beautiful & very rainbow. From Prides to bookstores and memorials; everything for queer travelers (& allies).
To my knowledge, there was no book like this, but LGBTQ+ travelers deserve this (and more!).
Queer & Lesbian Travel
Traveling the world as an LGBTQ+ person requires some extra precaution! We have written the ultimate lesbian travel guide (incl. safety tips), have the best ideas for a lesbian holiday to Europe (or honeymoon?), and on our website, you can find specific city & country guides! Our favorite is the home base of our founders: read about lesbian Amsterdam!
Are you looking for specific country or city guides? Please look at our articles in the destinations section of our website! From Europe travel guides to North America travel guides, we have it. Popular articles: our Iceland travel guides and Thailand travel guides!
We love all things queer. We love to watch LGBT Netflix shows, lesbian movies, short films, lesbian comedians, anything with LGBTQ+/queer representation really. Read our articles about it!
There are so many stories to be told, to be represented. And we can’t tell them all ourselves. On our blog you find inspiring interviews with gay married couples, lesbian families, and about lesbian tattoos. We also share our personal stories about coming out (incl. coming out tips), and other queer lifestyle articles.