Are you looking for the best lesbian proposal ideas? Are you planning to get engayged soon? Or do you just want to dream away with cute lesbian proposal photos?
This article is a bundle of 21 heartwarming lesbian proposals, stories and tips from real life queer couples! From low-key intimate home proposals, to funny ring pops proposals, to over the top location proposals like a sailboat proposal.
Some marriage proposals went exactly as planned, and some didn’t go as planned at all! In the end, every proposal is unique and beautiful in its own way.
Get ready to get inspired by these lesbian proposal ideas, lesbian engagement stories and many cute photos!
Let’s also take a moment to realize it isn’t legally possible worldwide to get married as a queer/lesbian couple, and legal gay marriages aren’t acknowledged in some places.
- Romantic Boho Picnic Proposal

Lesbian couple: Asia Sullivan & Tierra Andrews (both lesbian, she/hers)
Dating since: 15 October 2011
Proposal: 9 September 2020
How did the proposal go? Did it go as planned?
Tierra asked me and it went off perfectly! It was a complete surprise to me and there was a photographer & videographer there to capture the moment.
It’s not unlike my partner Tierra to make grand gestures, especially on my birthdays. In 2020, she said she had an out-of-town surprise for my birthday, and we took a quick trip from Los Angeles down to beautiful La Jolla Cove.
There was the prettiest picnic I’d ever seen with an awesome charcuterie board and of course, champagne. We always take Polaroid pics of our adventures, so I didn’t suspect a thing when we started snapping away – getting selfies and close-ups of the beautiful spread.
Tierra asked me if I’d take one of her, so I stood up to get the perfect angle. Right before I pressed the button, she dropped to one knee and pulled out the most gorgeous ring I’ve ever seen in my life.
The flash went off right as she popped the question, simply “Will you marry me?”
I didn’t even realize it, but there was a photographer and a videographer (a great friend of ours) right there to capture the moment. They popped out of nowhere.
I felt weak in the knees, my voice went up three octaves. I kept repeating, “Are you serious?! Are you serious!?” Of course, I said yes.
I’d been waiting for this moment for the past 10 years, even though I knew it would come within 10 minutes of us meeting.
What excites you about (lesbian) marriage?
At first, we thought we would never get married. Growing up in the Deep South, marriage for gay couples was not an option until recently, after we had been together almost 5 years already.
After relocating to Los Angeles and getting to know other lesbian married couples, our opinion started changing.
I found myself wanting to refer to her as my “wife” as it felt so much more appropriate and more permanent than “girlfriend.”
We have been together for 10 years, so “girlfriend” didn’t feel appropriate.
I also wanted all the legal protections afforded to married people in the event that (Goddess forbid) one of us were to become sick or be in an accident. We wanted to legally be one another’s “next of kin.”
Lastly, the more I thought about having a big party and getting fancied up for a wedding, the more excited I got. I’ve always known we would be together forever. Now we’re just making it official! The ring doesn’t hurt either ;).
As an interracial lesbian couple from the Deep South (Alabama!) we hope to inspire and encourage other couples to be out and proud and to consider marriage as an option for themselves! Representation matters!
Your best tip for a lesbian proposal?
Tierra says her best tip is to get the ring FIRST! Nothing happens until the ring is in hand!
Once you have that, all the other planning (location, etc.) can start.
- Scrabble Proposal

Queer couple: Sarah Kate Smigiel (trans non-binary, she/they) & Hannah Messa (queer, she/her)
Dating since: 8 September 2016
Proposed on: 24 September 2019
How did you get engayged?
Hannah and I have a tradition of playing scrabble during dinner. I decided to buy a custom scrabble tile from Etsy that was engraved with the words “will you marry me?”
One night during dinner I placed it into the game and waited anxiously for Hannah to pick it up… I kid you not it was the very last tile she drew!
She of course said yes! Now we laugh about the fact that it took so long to draw the tile!
Was there a second proposal?
Not to sound cheesy, but if you’re in the right relationship, every single day feels like a second proposal.
I wake up and feel as though I re-commit to Hannah through our love, both through words and actions!
Why do you want to get married?
We try to remind ourselves that we’ve only had the legal right to marry for a few years, and it is important to us to exercise that right!
We also want to have children and feel marriage is the best option for that family dynamic for us!
What is your best tip for people thinking of proposing?
Be genuine and true to yourself! We are so non-traditional but still felt some pressure to do things in a somewhat “traditional” way to have others recognize our commitment as “real” or “true”.
Remember that this doesn’t actually mean anything as long as you both are happy and committed! Throw the rules out!
- Intimate City Proposal

Queer couple: Naudia (bi, she/her) and Serena (non-binary, she/they)
Dating since: 29 May 2017
Proposal: 21 December 2017 + 12 March 2021
How did the proposal go?
Serena actually proposed first, and she even proposed to me twice!! The first time was a few months after we started dating, I thought she was joking.
We were in her apartment at the time, but she really meant it (I asked her about this, years later). It was really sweet, and I didn’t say yes, but I also didn’t say no.
It wasn’t planned she just felt at that moment that she couldn’t imagine her life without me. A few months after that, I was hoping she would propose again.
I kept dropping hints hoping she would catch on. Little did I know that a few days before Christmas in December 2017, she would ask me again.
This moment was special. We were in the city we met (London), and it was just the two of us. She proposed with a beautiful ring and a gorgeous necklace.
She told me the reasons she thought we were meant to be together, and the reasons we would have an incredible marriage. This time I was more than ready to say yes.
It wasn’t anything big or extravagant, but it was magical for us. We’ve always liked things simple, and Serena knows that I can be quite shy. She knew I would love an intimate proposal.
Was there a double proposal?
On March 12, 2021, I (Naudia) decided to finally propose back. It was something I always planned to do but could never find the right time.
So I obviously chose the challenging times of 2021 to propose. I wanted to propose to her the place she first said “I love you”: in Navigli, Milan. But then Milan was put back in a red zone and I had to improvise.
I wanted it to be a surprise, and I wasn’t sure how to pull it off. I decided to decorate our apartment with balloons and flowers. Thankfully she was surprised.
It was actually very emotional even though we are already married, I wanted her to feel special at that moment too.
We want to travel back to the place we got married (Denmark) to celebrate our love.
Why did you want to get married?
I actually never wanted to get married and neither did Serena. It’s funny how when you fall in love you do things you never imagined.
I also think a lot of times when you’re part of the LGBTQ community you can’t imagine ever getting married because society can make you feel that way.
Serena told me that growing up in Italy she never imagined it would be possible. We are so happy we were able to get married*.
It is important to us because we should be granted the same rights as other couples who are married, it’s also important that LGBTQ youth knows that they too can get married one day.
*While we are legally married in Denmark, Italy does not recognize our marriage. We have to register as a civil union instead. We get some rights that straight marriage has, but we cannot adopt or have children.
The best lesbian proposal tip
Definitely go with your instinct. At the end of the day, we all want to feel loved.
Flowers and extravagant gestures aren’t the most important thing. Those things are great, but the proposal will still be special without those things.
Also, I would say that it’s okay if things don’t go as planned!
- Winter Proposal in the City

Photographer @alanalindenfeldphotography
Lesbian couple: Sarah & Rachel (both lesbian/gay, she/her)
Dating since: 6 March 2012
Proposal: 12 December 2020
How did your lesbian proposal go?
Sarah asked me one cozy, winter evening at dusk overlooking Chicago’s skyline! It’s one of our favorite spots in the city by the water.
I was taken by such surprise (still shocked she actually surprised me!) and had no idea. It was a very magical day that we’ll never forget.
Afterward, we had dinner in our own little igloo and then celebrated with a couple of close friends who threw us the most amazing lesbian engagement party!
As far as planning, it went really well. We had a great photographer, Alana Lindenfeld, there to capture the day & everything fell into place!
What excites you about (lesbian) marriage?
We’ve never wanted to rush into getting married super young or anything, but knew someday we’d want to!
Since we’ve been together since high school and going on 9 years now, not a lot will change, but it’ll be something special we can experience together.
I think ultimately it’ll be fun to share the planning of it & make the wedding industry even more inclusive.
Your best tip for people thinking of proposing!
Have it captured somehow, because the moment goes so quickly!
- Christmas Tree Lesbian Proposal

Queer couple: Paige (panടexual) and Olivia (lesbian), both she/her
Dating since: 1 January 2020
Proposal: 29 December 2020 + 25 April 2021
What was your proposal idea?
When Olivia proposed she had been talking with a few of my close friends and my family about proposing to me during the Christmas break.
She originally was going to propose to me at an outside ice rink in my hometown in Philly, but tickets were sold out. So my best friend and her boyfriend and Olivia and I met up and hung out and had drinks at City Hall.
During Christmas, they have pop-up shops that I was under the impression we were going to be checking out. Little did I know that when we went to go take pictures at the big Christmas tree at City Hall, Olivia was going to get down on one knee and propose to me.
My whole family and more of my close friends popped up around the Christmas tree to surprise me for the moment, which left me in tears. Watch the entire proposal video.
Was there a double proposal?
Four months later, I proposed to Olivia, and she had no idea.
I took us to San Diego for the day, and we enjoyed lunch and shopping for a few hours, then around golden hour I planned an entire picnic (my friend does cute boho-themed picnics) on a beach. With a sign that says “will you marry me too?”.
Why do you want to get married?
Olivia and I both believe in longevity with a partner, and we have experienced our parents still being together for years in marriage. We have always wanted to have the same in our own lives.
What is your best proposal tip?
If you feel you have found the person you want to walk into that next chapter with, you should know that that’s the most important part before actually presenting a ring!
It’s about being confident that you have connected with your person. Proposing to someone you love is supposed to be fun so get creative!
- Intimate Home Marriage Proposal

Couple: Alba (bi) & Caro (lesbian), both she/her
Dating since: 21 August 2018
Proposal: 17 July 2019
How did you get engayged?
Caro and I had been living together for a while and were super in love. We had been talking about getting married and stuff for a while, but the proposal itself was a bit “spontaneous” I would say.
I planned to go to Spain for holiday, so we thought that it would be nice to get engaged before that happened.
So when I came home after work on a random weekday, Caro had dressed up, and prepared a super romantic picnic in our living room, with candles, roses, and everything I like.
She asked me to marry her, and obviously, I said yes. It was the perfect setup for me, as I have always told her I didn’t want anything in public spaces. That moment was just for us, no photos, no nothing. It is a moment that will just live in our memories.
Was there a double proposal?
Nope! A few months before I traveled to the UK to visit a friend and in the Portobello market I saw the PERFECT engagement ring for Caro. That was back in March 2019, and we were not that serious yet about getting married.
Nevertheless, I knew she was the one and bought the ring anyways. Waited patiently for her to propose (she already said that she wanted to be the one to propose) and gave her the ring the same moment she proposed to me.
Why did you want to get married?
Caro and I got legally married on the 9th of Oct 2020, which is “love day” in Valencia legally (still have to celebrate).
Legal reasons played a big factor, as I am an expat. But we want to celebrate our love with family and friends, especially since we are the first gay couple in our families to get married.
Your best proposal tip?
You don’t need to make it Instagrammable, special, or extraordinary. It is special on its own.
- Forest Proposal

Lesbian couple: Mick and Katie (both lesbian and she/her)
Dating since: 13 April 2018
Proposal: 16 September 2020
Did the lesbian marriage proposal go as planned?
Katie proposed to Mick in September in the beautiful mountains of Washington state! Planning the proposal did NOT go as planned for many reasons.
I (Katie) originally planned to propose in April of 2020, on a surprise trip for Mick to Washington for our two-year anniversary actually!
However, due to the happenings of 2020, it was pushed back to summer. Summer came and our plans changed yet again due to our conflicting work schedules as nurses.
We decided to go in September as a birthday trip for Mick, as she would be turning 25! Thankfully this plan stuck, and we traveled to Washington in September.
However, when we arrived, raging forest fires and the resulting smoke and unhealthy air quality made the location of the proposal not accessible.
Plans changed AGAIN to include a trail with a beautiful bridge in the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest that ended with a hike to an amazing waterfall.
The actual proposal went beautifully.
I had talked for months with a photographer and videographer who thankfully were extremely flexible with us postponing many times, and actually recommended the location of the proposal site!
We had come up with a plan to “trick” Mick to stand in front of the cameras without realizing I was going to propose!
The photographer and videographer would be waiting on the trail when we arrived with their camera gear all ready and asked us if we could “interview” for a video they were doing for the National Park!
Thankfully Mick was so eager to volunteer, and it went according to plan! I proposed, she was so shocked and didn’t believe it was happening!
She even responded “You beat me to it!” before she said yes!! We will never forget that day!
Why do you want to get married?
Mick’s answer: “You are my best friend and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you and start a lesbian family together! I also think you’re pretty!”
Katie’s answer: “I can’t wait to call you my wife! I love you so much, and I love that we can make our love official!”
Your love is valid! Your love is beautiful! Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise!
Your best tip for a lesbian proposal?
You don’t need to go all out and worry about every little detail! Mick could propose to me today in my sweatpants with no makeup on, with a Ring Pop and I would say YES!!
- A Book Proposal

Queer/lesbian couple: Jen & Kelly Bourbon (both she/her)
Dating since: 7 December 2015
Proposal: 25 May 2017
How did you get engayged?
My wife and I are from the US, but a few years ago moved to Germany for a short 6-week work assignment.
Before we left, we picked out (matching!) engagement rings together and brought them on the trip, intending to get engaged sometime while we were gone.
The very first night we were there, laying in our pajamas in the hotel after a full day of sightseeing, she says she has a present for me.
She gives me a little book called “The I Love You Book” full of fill-in-the-blanks about different things she loves about me.
At the end, she added “forever and always” and I looked up, and she was on one knee proposing!
We exchanged rings and were so happy that we could enjoy the rest of our time abroad as fiancés! And I loved the equality of picking out rings together and exchanging rings – it set the tone for the rest of our marriage
Why did you want to get married?
Maybe it’s the influence of societal norms, but I always wanted to get married. Especially as a queer couple, I wanted to have the same rights and status as everyone else. Plus, it’s fun to have a wife!!
Best proposal tip?
Do whatever feels good for you as a couple! We had so much fun picking out our rings together even though it’s not the “traditional” thing to do.
- Ring Pop Picnic Proposal

Queer couple: Alexa (bi) and Maria (lesbian) both she/her
Dating since: 3 December 2019
Engayged: 30 March 2021
Tell us about your queer proposal!
Since the beginning of our love story, we always talked about what our future would look like, and it was soon pretty clear to the both of us that marriage was something we both wanted.
During the 9 months we spent apart, due to the happenings of 2020, our relationship grew a lot and I (Maria) believe we both realized then how strong we felt and how we couldn’t picture our future without each other in it.
Once reunited, I was thinking of proposing to Alexa, but as there were restrictions in place and the cold was discouraging, I was patiently waiting for the right moment to do so.
Hiding that beautiful ring in our closet and secretly looking at it when she was out was hard, and exciting at the same time.
A week before the 30th of March we looked at the weather app, and it showed a two-day heatwave about to happen, I took this as a sign of the perfect moment for me to pop the big question, and it just happened to be the weekend restrictions were easing.
That was the day!
All the things I had ordered and made for the proposal arrived, all I had to do next was convince Alexa to let me prepare the “surprise picnic lesbian date.”
We went to her favorite park in North London (Hampstead Heath Park) and after walking a while to find a spot somewhat private, I told her to turn around, so I could organize everything that I brought.
She loved the picnic, but before we started to enjoy it, I asked her once again to turn around for a second surprise. I was so nervous as I laid out the nine ring pops (her favorite candy) with a love message attached to each and got the ring in my pocket.
When she turned around, and I saw that massive smile on her face, it gave me all the courage, I began one by one reading her each message, and on the last message I wrote “This ring is for last night as I wished you goodnight girlfriend for the last time” I then knelt down and with no hesitation and tears in her eyes, she said yes!!
It was perfect.
What is your best proposal tip?
Talk to your partner about the idea of getting married, so you know if they are on the same page as you are. Communication is key in any type of relationship.
Also make sure you know what your partner likes: some people might like the idea of having family around, others would want that moment to be more intimate.
Last but not least, go to bed early the night before, you will want to look the best you can be, ready for that special day!
These are the best lesbian movies you have to watch!
- Surprise Trip Proposal and a Snow Storm

Lesbian couple: Kymaria and Kelsey (both she/her)
Dating since: 12 June 2020
Proposal: 12 February 2021
What was your lesbian proposal idea?
Kymaria proposed to Kelsey on a surprise trip to Houston, we almost missed our flight there but were able to get on the next one.
The setting was beautiful at a restaurant overlooking Houston, TX. Kymaria proposed during a gift exchange that was originally supposed to be for Valentine’s Day/our month love day.
Kelsey was super surprised and so happy. Then as the weekend went on we got trapped in the Houston snow storm but nevertheless, we enjoyed spending the unexpected extended time together in Houston, TX.
Why do you plan on getting married?
We wanted to get married because we truly know that we are soulmates and couldn’t imagine not spending the rest of our lives with each other.
Your best tip for a proposal?
Do it when you’re ready and make sure that you both are on the same page when it comes to such a big commitment.
If you both are in alignment with getting married, do it! It’s never too soon, you’ll feel it because time doesn’t matter with true love.
We want to send love and light to all the couples considering marriage and to those who have already made the commitment.
- Boggle Proposal in the Park

Lesbian couple: Gera and Sarika (both she/her)
Dating since: 19 March 2019
Proposal: 3 July 2020
What was your (lesbian) proposal idea?
Sarika planned to propose to Gera at a picnic in the park. Knowing Gera’s love of Boggle, she commissioned a custom quilt with pictures of their relationship and a Boggle game in the middle.
She arranged food, drinks, and a cake from local restaurants that are meaningful to their relationship. She wanted it to be a surprise, so she lured Gera to the park under the ruse of hosting a surprise birthday party for a friend.
When no one else arrived, Sarika opened the quilt for a game of Boggle and the words “will you marry me” were hidden in the game.
Sarika pulled out the ring and proposed! Gera was swept off her feet to find the whole picnic was for her and of course, said “Yes!”
Was there a double proposal?
A few days after their engagement, Sarika and Gera took a weekend getaway to the mountains. They had dropped off their rings to be sized, and Gera picked them up the morning they left without telling Sarika.
Gera had made arrangements for a cidery to have a bottle of cider, glasses, and snacks ready for them and once they each had a glass, she pulled out the ring and proposed to Sarika!
Three months later they were married at that cidery.
Why did you want to get married?
We knew that we wanted to make a commitment to each other to build our lives together. In a time of uncertainty, we found strength, stability, and certainly in our relationship.
Best tip for a proposal?
Sarika: think about what would make your partner feel special and have fun making those come true.
Gera: don’t overthink it! Choose something meaningful to you and your partner and enjoy the moment.
- Fake TikTok Rooftop Proposal

Lesbian couple: Amy and Joyce (both she/her)
Dating since: 14 December 2018
Proposal: 13 February 2021
How did you propose?
So we actually had already eloped and gotten legally married in January 2020 because it just felt right. But Joyce proposed after the fact to Amy in February 2021 because she felt that Amy deserves an official proposal and a ring.
She got down on one knee at Dear Irving rooftop bar in NYC, which is where she had asked Amy to be her girlfriend two years back.
It was definitely a big surprise – Joyce had been keeping things under wraps for a while. She invited a few close friends to help her plan the surprise.
When we got to the rooftop at Dear Irving, she had Amy turn around and face the city view, saying she “has a new lesbian TikTok idea”.
Amy thought that was strange because she is usually the one who brainstorms lesbian TikTok ideas, but soon enough, Joyce asked Amy to turn around, and there she was, on one knee, asking Amy, “Marry me again?”
Why did you get married?
There is no better answer than that we felt ready at the time! And we were both happy to do it in the courthouse first with just a few close friends. We just listened to our hearts!
Best lesbian proposal tip?
Originality over HUGE grand gestures!
Of course, a grandiose gesture is nice. But Amy LOVED the fact that Joyce just got a few friends involved, made it look like it was for filming a TikTok (which we love doing).
And it was at the place where she asked Amy to be her girlfriend initially. It made everything more meaningful!
Think about what makes your relationship unique!
- Beach and Sailboat Proposal

Photographer @pompyportraits
Lesbian couple: Myesha & AunYiea (both she/her)
Dating since: 22 November 2016
Proposal: 5 September 2020 + 23 September 2020
Where did you propose?
Myesha proposed to AunYiea on a sailboat called Schooners Freedom in St. Augustine, FL the day after AunYieas birthday.
Was there a double proposal?
AunYiea proposed to Myesha at Davis Island Beach in their current city Tampa, Fl.
Why do you want to get married as a lesbian couple?
We have always talked about marriage and want to build a family.
Best lesbian proposal tip?
Plan ahead and find a memorable location!
- Beach Festival Proposal

Lesbian couple: Megan Farzaneh & Corynne Burrows (both she/her)
Dating since: 15 January 2019
Proposal: 25 January 2020
How did you propose?
It was all Corynne! The ring was bought about a month before without an exact plan on how to go about it.
After being invited to the Dominican Republic, it was clear the universe already had a plan, seeing as it would be a perfect time.
We were so grateful for our friends who helped with setting up the proposal.
During Chris Lake’s epic sunrise set at HOLY SHIP! WRECKED in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, Chris stopped his set and gave Corynne the mic, so she could propose to me in front of thousands of people.
Watch their lesbian proposal video
Why do you want to get married?
We want to get married because we couldn’t imagine spending our lives any other way. We also really wanted to take the first steps in starting a family.
Best tip for proposing?
Just do it! Engaged life is amazing.
Never settle for less than you deserve and always do what makes you happy!
- Italian Ring Pop Proposal

Lesbian couple: Danielle & Anna (both she/her)
Dating since: 28 May 2015
Proposal: 25 August 2019
How did you get engayged?
Anna asked first! A couple of days before Anna’s lesbian proposal, we flew into Milan and drove to the region of Trentino to meet up with her entire family.
We had just finished a morning hike in the Dolomite mountain range when it began to rain. Rather than head back to the hotel with the others, Anna convinced me to go for a drive in hopes of finding a place to take some cool drone footage.
Upon setting up camp, she pulled out her ukulele and started to play our song, “Home” by Edward Sharpe… all while personalizing the lyrics to tell our love story!
After finishing the song, she pulled out a little wooden box. Expecting to find a diamond in there, you can imagine my face when I found an orange-flavored Ring Pop instead!
Anna and I always joked about her getting me a Ring Pop instead of an actual ring in a proposal so it was kind of hilarious!
What was even better was what happened next. She opened a little black box with the most precious ring and asked me those five little words – “Amore mio, mi vuoi sposare?” [‘My love, will you marry me?’] With tears in both of our eyes, I can say that it was the easiest “yes” I’ve said in my entire life.
PS. She was actually supposed to propose the day before (the box of the ring had yesterday’s date carved into it!) but my flight was delayed from the US.
Was there a double lesbian proposal?
Just two short months later, I decided that it was my time to pop the question! Anna had just landed in Miami the day before, so she was still a bit jet-lagged.
I convinced her that we should stop by this park overlooking the Miami skyline before dinner, and off we went!
Little did she know that I had my sister set up a romantic picnic with our favorite wine, fresh flowers, candles, and a variety of the most delicious mini-cakes!
Upon entering the park, we saw a bunch of well-dressed people doing photoshoots, so when we “stumbled” along with the picnic it hadn’t phased Anna yet.
I then whispered to her, “Hey – should we go crash that picnic?” She immediately looked at me as if I was crazy! At that moment, I got down on one knee and asked her to spend the rest of our lives together.
The best part was that she had NO idea! She immediately said yes, and it was by far one of the best moments of my life! We spent the rest of the evening enjoying the sunset, sipping wine, and eating way too much cake – it was perfect.
Why did you want to get married?
First and foremost, I want Anna’s last name! We just really wanted to start our lives together as wife and wife and be able to live in the same country. That means the most to us!
Your best tip for proposing?
Don’t overthink it! The love and passion you have for your partner will make it absolutely perfect and unforgettable.
- Anniversary Home Proposal

Photographers @matandsaraliketophoto
Lesbian couple: Jenn Nucum-Trinidad and Tiffany Trinidad (both she/her/siya, “they” in Tagalog/Filipino)
Dating since: 2 May 2009
Proposal: 29 May 2017
How did you get engayged?
I (Jenn) asked Tiffany (finally, after 8 years of being together!). It happened at home; Tiffany was coming home from work and I hid the ring behind a framed photo of us from our third anniversary.
There were clues written on Post-Its near the hiding spot. Tiffany suspected something was going right when she arrived home because I was dressed up. It was a private lesbian proposal – simple, comfortable, and just the two of us.
Why did you want to get married?
We wanted to get married and have it be meaningful to inspire other queer folks that it’s possible. Hopefully, it can be for everyone in our lifetime.
Best proposal tip?
Don’t overthink it; be natural and get a sense of what your partner wants (not what other people expect a proposal should be).
- Lesbian Song Proposal

Queer couple: Ashley (lesbian) & Malori (panടexual) both she/her
Dating since: 1 April 2019
Proposal: 1 April 2021
How did your lesbian proposal go?
We spent a lot of time talking about getting engaged. We got our rings together, decided that I (Ashley) would propose, but Malori didn’t know the how or when.
I got us a resort partnership for the proposal, which I told her was for our anniversary. We got pool time, free facials at the spa, and room service to pamper us before the big moment.
I told Malori we were going to a cool location for anniversary photos, but it was really where a videographer, guitarist, and her two best friends were secretly waiting.
I went in first to ‘check that we were at the right spot’ and when she came in, I serenaded her with the lesbian song ‘I’d Be Your Wife’ by Mary Lambert.
She cried, my voice shook, and of course she said yes! When we came back to the hotel, it was covered in rose petals and champagne and balloons waited for us. It was magical!
There will be a double lesbian proposal! We have both always dreamed of being proposed to and we both love romantic gestures.
Watch their lesbian proposal video
Why do you want to get married?
We knew we wanted to get married pretty early on, and we feel ready for this next step. We love to dream of our future, and we love celebrating love.
What’s your best proposal tip?
We recommend recruiting the help of your love’s friends and family. They love to do it and it takes a lot of pressure off of you. They’ll take your lead and give good ideas!
- Almost Birthday Proposal

Lesbian couple: Racheal and Adreana (both she/her)
Dating since: 1 October 2019
Proposal: 12 October 2020
How did you get engayged?
Racheal proposed to me. It was very sweet. I actually ruined her plans, lol. She was planning to propose on my birthday on November 16th, but I happened to be really emotional that day.
I had a fear that things were going to change, and she would change her mind about us, like people do sometimes. I expressed this to her, and she looked at me, then jumped up and grabbed something.
She came over to where I was and got on one knee and said “does this look like I’m going to change my mind? I love you so much. I’m crazy about you. Will you marry me?”
The best proposal ever! She always shows up when I need her and I love that the most!
Was there a double proposal?
So I’m not sure how this works exactly, as lesbians, lol. I just know that she needed a ring too.
I decided to counter-propose to her on January 1, 2021! We were celebrating the new year with my mom and Rya’s 16-year-old daughter.
My mom knows what I had planned, and she told Ray’s daughter. Once the countdown started, I grabbed the ring.
While Ray was jumping up and dune screaming “Happy New Year” and hugging our daughter, then my mom, she then turned to me, and I was on one knee.
I thanked her for asking me to marry her and I asked her to return the favor. She smiled and said “of course, my love”… magical.
I didn’t know that love felt like this. This is the most amazing feeling ever. Just knowing that I have someone who is truly with me, for me, and all about me, and I’m the same with her. I’d go to hell and back for her!
Why do you want to get married?
We want to get married as a symbol of our commitment to one another. We want to be a family and love into the next phase of life.
Best tip for a proposal?
Do it in the most authentic way for both of you. It doesn’t have to be over the top. Just do it!!
Visibility is so important! Do you already follow these amazing famous lesbian celebrities on Instagram?
- A Christmas Harry Potter Proposal

Lesbian couple: Melissa and Kimberly Connelly (both she/her)
Dating since: 26 June 2019
Proposal: 25 December 2019
How did you plan your lesbian proposal?
Melissa and I had discussed how we each felt about marriage and planned to spend our lives together. But she had no clue that I was planning to propose.
Melissa’s cousin Mika and her family were coming from Texas to Ohio to her dad’s for Christmas. I messaged Mika, and we sneakily figured out what kind of ring Melissa might like.
Mika’s dad (also in on the secret) invited us to join them for what Melissa thought was just Christmas dinner. Little did she know that an even greater surprise was waiting for her underneath the Christmas tree!
After deciding I wanted to propose, and reflecting on our mutual love of Harry Potter, I chose to incorporate that into the proposal.
I purchased Harry Potter and the Half Blဝဝd Prince and spent a full day (while Melissa was out of town) hollowing out the book. The package was wrapped like a parcel from Hogwarts.
I made it so the book would open to the ring and the chapter, The Unbreakable Vow. Melissa didn’t notice that everyone in the room was taking pictures or that I had been down on bended knee behind her as she opened it waiting for her answer.
She was so surprised she forgot to answer! Finally, she answered with a very emphatic, resounding YES!
Was there a double lesbian proposal?
Right after Christmas, I ordered the custom ring I’d chosen for Kim and thought about how I wanted to propose.
In January, Kim and I were flying home from a short business trip to Vegas. While we were waiting to board our flight, I scrolled across something on my Facebook timeline that said Ohio Wedding Giveaway.
The post had been made by a non-profit called Rai of Love that was donating an entire wedding to a couple in need.
I noticed that among the other photos, their page also had an engagement photograph of two women and thought to myself, “So there’s a chance!”
On January 16th, I sent in a video submission, telling our story. I poured my heart into describing our unsupportive families who won’t come to the wedding, Kim having gone back to nursing school to save lives, and how if we were chosen, I’d like to make the whole thing a surprise and propose to Kim.
Unbeknownst to me, my close friends I had told about my secret submission also submitted essays nominating us to win.
Jodi Hutton (our wedding photographer and founder of Rai of Love) chose us to win!
She contacted my cousin in Texas, who worked with our best friends in Ohio, and set a plan in motion to surprise both Kim and me in February.
That evening our friends convinced us to go to our local gay bar, Twist, for a post dodgeball drink.
What we didn’t know was that Jodi and her amazing team of vendors wanted to surprise us with the news, just like I’d planned to surprise Kim.
The entire Stonewall Sports league was in on it and our best friends had brought Kim’s engagement ring with them. Rai of Love announced to everyone that we had won a free wedding, and I was able to give the love of my life a ring that promised her forever.
We were surrounded by excitement, happiness, and more importantly the love of all of our close friends.
Why did you get married?
I got married because I couldn’t possibly and didn’t want to imagine life without her.
Best advice for a wedding proposal?
Make sure your plan is tailored to THAT person. It doesn’t have to be extravagant to be perfect!
- Lesbian Proposal Song Video

Lesbian couple: Louisa (she/her) and Tahnee (non-binary, they/she)
Dating since: 24 February 2017
Proposal: 19 December 2020
How was planning a lesbian proposal 2020?
I decided I wanted to get Tahnee a ring pretty early, about 18 months before the proposal in fact! They liked opal, and I wanted to get her diamonds too, so I looked on Etsy for the ring and found an independent Australian company that made a custom ring for me.
I am TERRIBLE at keeping secrets so naturally me having a ring was discovered pretty early, but they never asked to see it and were really good about it, apart from some teasing!
With everything that happened in 2020, things got morbid fast. Tahnee and their mum are both vulnerable, and my dad too. When my dad went into the hospital, I realized that sometimes life is far too short.
I upgraded the ring box to a little velvet cowboy hat (extra AF, I know) and started seriously thinking about what to do.
A flash mob turned proposal video
My original idea came to me all of a sudden and I actually cried in the street when I thought of it: a flash mob to Tahnee’s favorite gay tune, “I’m Coming Out”.
But it became pretty clear that it would be too hard to arrange with the rules, and besides, it would be unsafe.
I went through tons of iterations of the idea and landed on creating a video that had the same vibe and incorporated an in-person element.
I messaged as many people as a 3-minute song can afford asking for anything they could send in video form, a smile, wave, message, anything. Once I got them all, I edited together the video.
Starting with clips of Tahnee messing about, I incorporated the clips from family and friends to fit the song. And I finished the video with a change to a song that means a lot to us, Jeff Buckley’s “Lover You Should’ve Come Over”, and a message: go outside, where some family and a friend would be.
The day was wild! Tahnee had told me they wanted to look nice on the day of her engagement so trying to subtly dress them up was a hilarious challenge.
When I tried to put makeup on her, they looked at me and said “do I really look ugly?” And I had to be like “nooo! I just think you wanna look extra good today!” It was hilarious.
My parents had put a bunch of streamers up in the house too, so we had to say it was a new Christmas thing they wanted to do. To my surprise Tahnee didn’t twig AT ALL.
The proposal didn’t go as planned…
When I put the video on the telly to show Tahnee, I thought it would stream from the beginning, but it started playing from the middle with all the friends, and I panicked and threw my hand up to cover Tahnee’s eyes LMAO!
So at the beginning of the video Tahnee’s like “oww” because I accidentally smacked her in the face. Sorry, babe! My sister was also nervously chewing gum in the video of us watching it, so there are some funny smacking sounds in the final cut.
Overall it went really well, Tahnee didn’t figure out what was happening until after she saw her dad and our friend Jenna, so that’s good!
We got lots of funny comments when we released the finished video because Tahnee obviously is focused on the video oblivious to me crying next to them, because obviously, I knew what was happening.
Plus, in the final moments when I actually propose, she keeps running away in excitement. And our dog Bean is larking about in the road!
Overall, it was an amazing and exhausting day.
Why do you want to get married?
We want to have a big celebration of love! Being married will be important for various legal reasons.
We aren’t planning to get married too soon because we want to have the funds to make it amazing, but we have moved into our first flat together and are really happy!
Tahnee is planning their own proposal for me, but mainly it’s just lovely to be engaged and happy together.
What’s your best proposal tip?
Be flexible, but clear! You want to give yourself opportunities to change plans if things go wrong. But especially if you have other people involved really clear dates and times are super important from the earliest possible moment.
That way you are able to plan really effectively. Also, don’t be shy, and enjoy yourself! As long as you love what your plans are your partner will too.
- Lantern Festival Proposal

Queer couple: Maartje (queer/bi) and Roxanne (lesbian/queer) both she/her
Dating since: 4 August 2014
Proposal: 3 November 2017 + 20 June 2018
How did you plan your lesbian proposal?
Planning a proposal when traveling together 24/7 is a real challenge. I knew I wanted to propose to Roxanne during our world trip.
Then we planned on traveling to Thailand for the lantern festival, together with Rox’ dad and stepmom, I knew I wanted to make the moment extra special by proposing!
I obviously had the romantic image of the Disney movie Tangled in mind, where the couple peacefully floats on the water and thousands of sky lanterns lit the night sky.
In real life, it was way more crowded and my nerves got the best of me and instead of proposing, I had a meltdown and started crying. Rox got annoyed with me, since I was being so stressed.
When I started crying, she joked ‘you weren’t going to propose right?!’ And I was sobbing ‘yeh..eees… I wah..has’. We laughed about it and later at night when we were just with the two of us, we had a little moment.
A year later we went to the lantern festival again, and I got to do a do-over proposal!
Read the full engagement story
Was there a double lesbian proposal?
Yes! Roxanne tried to buy a ring without my knowledge, but I was literally walking with her in the same market, so I totally knew.
On one of the last days of our world trip of 15 months, we went to take pictures during sunrise at the Brooklyn Bridge.
We set a timer and when the camera was about to click the photo, Rox dropped on one knee and proposed!
Why do you want to get married?
Because we can! Even though our marriage would not be recognized in most countries, it is really special that we can legally get married as a gay couple.
Best tip for a lesbian proposal?
My best tip is to share the plan with someone, as you can get their help and support! And it’s also good to know that things may not go as planned, and that’s okay!
We can laugh about the whole thing – we have always done things a little differently. Our lesbian love story is a unique one!
We hope you enjoyed reading these lesbian proposal ideas and lesbian engagement stories! Do you want to share your lesbian proposal story? Share it in the comments! We would love to read it.
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And don’t forget to share these lesbian proposal stories with your friends!
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