We’re going to give you some tough love, that Dutch directness you will thank us for later. If you’re really looking for a productive thing to do when bored, you have to flip a switch. If you aren’t ready for that, do not read any further.
After this crisis, you can be
a) a person that watched everything on TV and has fewer brain cells
b) someone who invested their time and gained new skills, aka new assets!
NOTE: it is NOT a competition. Productivity, to us, is doing useful things and doesn’t have to be measured in speed.
Everyone always complains about having no time. And now that you have it, you’re bored? Come on; let’s get some things done!
Healthy Habits for Efficient Productivity
Don’t Sleep In
Wake up at a normal time and get dressed. Or at least jump into fresh PJs, just don’t stay slobby all day. Do make sure you get enough sleep.
Clean Up
You’re more productive in a tidy space. Some cleaning up would be a super productive start of the day. You can go full Marie Kondo-mode, but you can also do bits and pieces – tidying up one room at a time would be a great start.
Make a Planning
List all the things you want to get done! Start with the annoying things and end with the fun tasks.
The motivation to start isn’t always there. One of the best ‘life hacks’ is to work out! By exercising you get your endorphins flowing. Endorphins trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine.
There are lots of workouts you can do in your home, without equipment. Besides that, you can pick up dancing, yoga, martial arts, and kickboxing – whatever you like doing!
Check out Skillshare Premium and try out all sorts of classes for FREE for the first two months (make the most of it and cancel before they charge you!).
Take a Break
Schedule breaks and stick to those breaks! You will feel refreshed after a break.
Turn Off Notifications
Seriously, incoming emails and social media notifications only distract you. And multitasking is scientifically proven impossible. You can also opt to turn off Wi-Fi on your phone entirely if you’re doing something offline.
Stop Putting Things Off
Fix Things Around the House
There are always things you want to fix in the house, but never have the time to do it. Now is the time. You will feel incredible once it’s done! Cut the grass, change light bulbs, clean the oven, and paint your home: all that kind of stuff.
Organize your holiday photos and make photo albums
Let’s be honest: you never watch a slide show of your vacation photos on your computer. This is the time to make a selection and put it into an album. Or print your best photos as a poster. Or get a cute portable photo printer and print directly from your phone!
Make your photos prettier: learn how to edit photos!
We love the look of a real photo album with printed photos. Or maybe you love scrapbooking? Check out cute ones on Etsy and support local businesses!
Print your photos or make an album via Amazon Prints (USA), Albelli or Smartphoto (Europe).
Make that call, or have that conversation with your partner/friend
There are some emotional things you’ve put off because it’s never the ‘right time’. And there isn’t, so make this the time to do it.
Self Growth: How to Invest in Yourself
Read (e-)books
Not just some easy reads, invest in yourself and read something that will help you grow. We highly recommend getting a kindle, as Amazon offers thousands of FREE kindle ebooks.
More free e-books:
Listen to Podcasts
If you’re not a reader, a podcast might be your thing! Perfect to combine with a workout too. There are so many podcasts out there that can help you grow. From meditating to trivia to adopting an entrepreneur mindset – it’s all available. Check out Spotify’s podcasts.
Or create a podcast!
Unfollow Negative People
Similar to turning off notifications, turn off negativity in your life my unfollowing negative people on your social media. There are mute/unfollow-options if you don’t want to ‘unfriend’ someone just yet!
Show Kindness: Help Others
Have you told people you loved them recently? Send your parents, grandparents, and friends an old-fashion postcard (psst… local businesses on Etsy make such cute ones!)
Or call them up; ask if you can help them in any way. Help out where you can. Find some good causes to support. If you can’t support financially, go use your platforms to spread the word – sharing is caring.
Start a Journal
Reflecting on your life helps you grow! If you start journaling, include a small gratitude list – name a top 3 (or how many you want) things you’re grateful for that day! It doesn’t have to be big, small things matter too.
Enjoy a Hobby
Hobbies give energy, provide new creativity, prevent burnouts, and make for personal growth! Finding something that you are passionate about is easier than ever: everything is just a mouse click away.
Best indoor hobbies
Crafts / DIY
Playing an instrument
Beer brewing
Home decorating
…and so much more!
Check out Skillshare Premium and try out all sorts of classes for FREE for the first two months (make the most of it and cancel before they charge you!).
Learn New Things
We already listed a lot of great hobbies above, but there are more things you can learn. Improve your skillset, or maybe even start a new business from home?
Learn Photo Editing
Make your vacation photos look even better! Editing nowadays is easier than ever, with millions of tutorials and amazing preset bundles out there (even free ones!). Take a look at this influencer-presets bundle! Start your free trial of Adobe Lightroom and get playing!
Other editing apps you can try out: Snapseed, VSCO, Afterlight, PicsArt.
Or Learn Video Editing
Besides lots of vacation photos, you probably have some video footage stored somewhere with the idea ‘I will make a video, later’. Now is the time to do it! We love the YouTube channel of Peter McKinnon; he has some great tutorials.
Start a free trial of Adobe Premiere Pro!
I’m happy to offer 1-on-1 photo or video editing classes via Skype! Send me an email and let’s discuss!
Learn Another Language
Don’t we all want to learn another language? Now you have the time to do it! We love learning through the Duolingo-app. But you can also find some online teachers and have 1-on-1 classes.
Learn how to make a website
Setting up a website can be done in 4 steps!
- Sign up with Bluehost or Siteground for the best hosting
- Install WordPress
- Pick a nice theme (aka design of your website) from WordPress or Themeforest
- Create content for your website!
One of the top travel bloggers has created an amazing course you can check out if you’re thinking of starting a travel blog!
Learn SEO
If you’re working on your own website, or simply want to get some extra skills (maybe do freelance work?): learn Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Learn how to write content that people will find on the first page on Google!
Learn how to cook & bake your favorite dish
Cooking is by far one of the greatest hobbies. I mean, there’s a fun process of making stuff and then you get to eat it. Yummy! And if you already are a good cook, why not try something different? Try to make some Dutch recipes or Thai food.
Reward Yourself
Relaxation is SO important for productivity. You can reward yourself with a great Netflix show (check out these 39 awesome LGBT shows!), an Amazon Prime movie, fun books, a long hot bath, or playing fun card or board games with your partner/roomies/family (check out our favorite games)!